Home Based Busineses: Passion Parties

Company name? Passion Parties

Start up costs?Monthly costs? Our kits range from $100-$450, the ideal kit is $250 and there are many ways to earn it other than up front out of pocket.

How long has the company been in business? 17 years

Where is company headquarters located? Las Vegas Nevada

What is the average income potential? You make 40% off of sales so it is based on your retail volumn

With the BBB? Yes

What is your personal story? I became a Passion Consultant because my relationship could use a little spicing up. Little did I know I was improving my love life as well as all the women that I came in contact with. I have been doing Passion Parties for 8 months now and enjoy talking about my biz and working it....and its FUN!

your link: http://www.partiesbyjessica.yourpassionconsultant.com/

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